RE: The Implementation of Water Restrictions
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees for the Town of Eckley, State of Colorado, declares their unanimous support for implementing water restriction for the Town of Eckley.
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees for the Town of Eckley having been informed of high-water usage by the residents and a reduced water flow thru the water plant hereby resolve the following:
- Water restrictions apply to all users -residential, commercial, and governmental.
- All watering (including hand watering) will be done during the hours of 12 am (Midnight) to 9am and again from 6pm to 11:59 pm on you given watering day.
- All residents who live East of Main St will water on even numbered days (2nd,4th,6th,8th etc.)
- All residents who live West of Main St will water on odd numbered days. (1st,3rd, 5th,7th etc.)
- For the months that have 31 days both East and West sides can water during the stated times on that day.
- There will be no washing of any vehicle including Semi-truck or trailers within the town limits.
- All leaks must be repaired quickly, or water must be turned off till leaks can be repaired.
- All residents not adhering to the restrictions will receive a warning the first time, a ticket will be issued the second time, and a fine/service disconnection for all future infractions.
- Each infraction ticket will carry a fine of $300.00.
- Any leak(s) that can be verified by the town and such leak(s) caused a overage on the resident's current water bill that overage or portion of said overage can only be amended by a majority vote of the board.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, for Town of Eckley, Colorado implements these restrictions effective May 15, 2021 to address the water needs for present and future generations.
Dated: April 6, 2021
Jessie Vance Mayor
Aileene Vance Town Clerk